Welcome to the Weston Lakes Men’s Golf Association.


The purpose of the Weston Lakes Men’s Golf Association (WLMGA) is to encourage the active participation among its members in social events, playing golf tournaments, and the promotion of good fellowship and sportsmanship among its members.

The MGA strives to:


  • educate and encourage conformance to the USGA Rules of Golf by creating a representative authority.


  • maintain a uniform system of handicapping as set forth in the USGA Handicap System and issue USGA Handicap Indexes to the members.


  • provide an authoritative body to govern and conduct club competitions.


WLMGA membership demographics range from 24 years of age to 65 plus, with handicaps ranging from 0 - 32, and generally a wide variety of great individuals to spend time with during a round of golf and post golfing activities.


To contact the MGA Board please email us:  WestonlakesMGA@gmail.com